Adam Kelley Portfolio

Picture of a person dipping their paintbrush in paint

In some ways, programming is like painting.
You start with a blank canvas and certain basic raw materials.
You use a combination of science, art, and craft to determine what to do with them.

- Andrew Hunt

Hello! My name is Adam Kelley.
Welcome to my portfolio website.
Here, you will find info about my background, experience, and past/current projects.

Thanks for stopping by, and please enjoy!


Frogger Title Screen
Fully functional game of Frogger recreated from scratch within Unity.
One-Page Website
Here is a one-page website I created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Game of TwentyOne
A fully functional game of twenty-one (aka BlackJack) that can be played as a console app. Made using C#.
Bootstrap Project
A site created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript utilizing Bootstrap.
Calculator site
A fully functional calculator site using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Desk with a monitor, keyboard, tablet, and Nintendo Switch


Hello, I am Adam Kelley. I am a software developer who is passionate coding, creating, and learning. When I'm not coding, I enjoy spending my time hiking, reading, and writing. Feel free to ask me about my cat, Yoko!

I am a graduate of The Tech Academy’s C# and .NET Framework Boot Camp.

I am a full-stack software developer trained in:
C#, .NET, Unity, Entity Framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET, MVC, and SQL from The Tech Academy.

I am a full-stack developer who would love to work with you on your project! Contact me!


You can view my coding projects on my GitHub here:

My Github

GitHub logo
